Thursday, September 30, 2010

In tune with the season..

As I decide to come back after a long period of hibernation, beautiful season has set in here. Hence, I changed the theme of my blog to sync in with the beautiful falling leaves.

Fall- the season of colors, the season of change, the season with the perfect weather. Mornings are dewy and little chilly. I love to feel the dew on the flowers against my face and my eyes. Only a soft snugging hand keeps me from tasting them.

and today is the perfect day... sunny, a little cold with soft breeze caressing you as you step out. The perfect early evening.. lemme go out and bask in the warmth of the sun..

Edited to add: After this post, I did go out with my kids and had fun raking up the leaves and jumping and hiding in the pile. It turned out to be a beautiful evening!
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